Shoyoroku - Case 18: Joshu's Dog [1] A monk asked Joshu, "Does the dog have buddha-nature, or not?" Joshu said, "It has" [U]. The monk said, "If it has it, why did it creep into that skin bag?" Joshu said, "Because it does so knowingly." Another monk asked, "Does the dog have buddha-nature, or not?" Joshu said, "It has not" [Mu]. The monk said, "All living beings have buddha-nature [2]. Why doesn't the dog have any?" Joshu said, "Because it is in its karma-consciousness." [1]: see case 1 of Mumonkan: the Shoyoroku case presents a fuller text of the dialogue. [2]: Quotation from the Nirvana Sutra 7, 25.